In the season finally of Used Up Pens, A Drawings by Trent Podcast, Trent's Sister, Mother and Father all talk about what Trent was like during the holidays growing up and how they had to tackle that as a family and how some ...
This week Trent's Sister and Parents dive into a question they get very often and that's "does Trent have any pet's, and if not, why not?" Trent loves animals, there's no denying that, but just like Trent his relationship wit...
Trevor, Trent's oldest brother, is back in town for the holiday season and comes on for a special guest appearance to talk about how difficult it can be to decide to move away from a family with a sibling with special needs a...
Trent is currently on a Book Signing Tour/Meet & Greet around where we live in El Dorado KS and we've had so much fun and are excited to do more so we wanted to talk about it! Trent's Parents and Sister talk about the meet & ...
This week Trent's parents discuss Trent's early education and all the difficulties that came with it while also talking about all the great people he worked with and how to navigate those difficult conversations!For Business ...
This week we have an incredible episode featuring two dear friends of the Landreth Family Shari & Shannon Sauer. Shari and Shannon have 2 kids on the spectrum who are now adults living away from home. In todays episode they t...
This episode the Landreth family discusses how social media revolutionized Drawings By Trent and turned it into what it is today as well as how it directly effects Trent, how Trent likes being on Social Media and all the othe...
Hypersensitivity is extremely common in non neurotypical individuals but it's not exclusive to them. This episode Trent's Mother, Father and Sister dive into all of their sensory sensitivities as well as Trents and discuss al...
This episode Trent's Parents and Sister dive into the inspiration and meaning behind the brand new You Matter product line by Drawings by Trent and why its message is so important to their family. Tristen Moore - Host and Tre...
The Landreth & Moore family went on quite a few trips this summer so this episode is fully dedicated to discussing all of those trips including a trip to Caldwell Idaho, Salina Kansas, Waco Texas, Austin Texas and Galveston T...